The trend of wearing hijab has grown tremendously. It has become a fashion statement as well. Gone are the days when wearing hijab was considered old-fashioned. Presently, it is trendy and more and more people are wearing head scarfs.
Different people have their own reasons for wearing hijab. Some cover their head for religious reasons whereas others cover their hair for cultural value. No matter what your purpose of wearing hijab is, make sure you are using the right one regarding type, style, material and occasion.
Hijabs come in different materials. Each fabric has its own characteristics and unique benefits. Besides, every type is suitable for its own distinctive occasion.
Hijabs for the office won't be appropriate for occasions. Similarly, the fancy ones that are made for weddings and other functions are inappropriate for wearing at work.
Here are some of the best hijab materials to choose from:
Lace Hijabs
The fancy lace and pearl/diamante hijabs are great for special occasions, a friend’s wedding or a party.
Look classy, and let the lace complement your overall appearance for the occasion.
Simply stated, wearing a lace hijab is a perfect way to look gorgeous yet modest.
Crepe Hijabs
If you are going to work or college, you need a scarf that does not slip every now and then. You can't keep on adjusting your scarf all the time.
So, if you want a wardrobe staple, choose a crepe hijab. Once you set a crepe hijab, it stays in place, does not slip away and hence you don’t need to fix it again and again.
Viscose Hijabs
Those of you who want to buy something for everyday use, the viscose hijabs are highly suitable.
The plain hijab which is lightweight and simple in design is appropriate for wearing in daily. Arabesque has a huge range of viscose hijabs for you.
Jersey Hijab
Most of schoolgirls and working ladies prefer jersey hijabs. These are not only comfortable to wear but also easy to adjust. And they're really comfortable, too.
Check out our collection of hijabs, and you will find several stunning options in all the materials mentioned above in a variety of colours.
We only use the finest quality fabric to provide every customer with a pleasant experience. Come to us, buy beautiful hijabs and complete your modest look.